#463「決定Fret嘅長度」“Determining the length of frets”
Making frets with a rounded hemispherical ball end like this presents a challenge in handling the length of each fret.
#460「填滿原裝Inlay窿 2」“Filling the Original Wooden Inlay Hole 2”
Continuing from the previous post:
Picture 1: Use a chisel and a scraper to remove most of the protruding wood.
Picture 2: Sand the fretboard, starting with coarse-grit sandpaper and gradually progressing to finer grits.
Picture 3: Finally, polish any scratched frets and apply fretboard oil.
And there you have it, all done!
#459「填滿原裝Inlay窿 1」“ Filling the Original Wooden Inlay Hole 1”
Picture 1: Clean the wood filler inside the fretboard's circular hole.
Picture 2: Based on the size of the hole, use a CNC machine to create cylindrical inlays from wood with the same diameter.
Picture 3: Mix wood dust into hide glue, matching the color of the fretboard. Then, use the hide glue to adhere the cylindrical wood inlays to the fretboard.
To be continued...
#458「點樣處理呢條結他頸好呢?」 “How should we treat this guitar neck?”
One fine day, we received the guitar neck shown in Image 1.
Well... How can we turn it into the finished product like in Image 2?
Do any of you have any ideas?
#457「幫自己嘅結他進行Refret」“Refretting my own guitar”
I've been contemplating how to recommend Phosphor Bronze frets to everyone for a while.
As a result, I have decided to refret my most frequently used wooden guitar with Phosphor Bronze frets.
#446「將結他嘅手感提升到極致!」“Taking the guitar's playability to the next level!”
We have done the following modifications and upgrades on this guitar:
-Brand new bone nut and saddle
-Neck sanding, transforming it from a gloss finish to a satin finish, reducing the neck’s friction and enhancing the guitar’s playability
#445「造工超卓嘅Lee Guitars~」“Lee Guitars, with its exceptional craftsmanship~”
We performed a refret using Phosphor Bronze fret wire, giving this guitar a set of rounded fret ends that perfectly complement its overall aesthetic.
#444「Setup一支無頭Steinberger~」“Setting Up this Steinberger Guitar”
By removing the headless components, the fretwork became much easier to work on
#437「唔停嘅fret條維修」“Doing Fret Maintenance Work”
We've been on a roll lately, doing a lot of maintenance work on frets!
#427「靚靚Fret條~」“Shiny Frets make us happy”
Behold the polished and shining frets, a sight that brings pure delight to the soul!
#420「安全使用指板保護器」“Safety Precaution for Using Fretboard Protector”
Quick tip! When using this type of fretboard protector to do fretworks, please pay attention to this detail.
#418「如何處理鬆動fret條」“How to Deal with Loose Frets”
Loose frets are a common repair issue that we frequently encounter.
#399「Phosphor Bronze Refret」“Phosphor Bronze Refret”
What comes to your mind when we mention Phosphor Bronze (PB)?