#412「打磨琴橋」“Sanding the Bridge”
Sanding the bridge to lower the action is not complicated, but it requires attention to many details in the repair.
#404「處理古董Martin結他下弦枕」下 “Dealing with Vintage Martin Glue-In Saddle” 2nd part
Continuing on from our last post, those familiar with Martin guitars may notice something unusual about this saddle.
#403「處理古董Martin結他下弦枕」上 “Dealing with Vintage Martin Glue-In Saddle” 1st part
Dealing with the action (height) of these saddles was more complicated than with normal saddles. Removing the saddles from the bridge posed a significant risk of damaging the guitar. Therefore, the only feasible method to lower the saddle was to sand its top.
#401「製琴師繩結」“Luthier’s Knot”
The “Luthier’s Knot” is a special method of stringing. Its principle involves tying the strings to the tuning pegs to prevent them from slipping out.