#455「為呢支Danelectro結他重新造一個牛骨上弦枕」“Making a new cow bone nut for this Danelectro”
The original aluminum nut on this Danelectro guitar has encountered issues and is no longer functional.
We have replaced it with a brand-new nut made of cow bone, allowing it to continue its musical journey once again.
#438「呢支結他好玩喎!」“What a fun guitar to play with!”
The most special thing about this small and delicate electric guitar is that it has a built-in speaker.
#435「拾音器點影響到下弦枕嘅大細?」“How does pickup affect the size of a saddle?”
What's the right saddle size for an acoustic guitar? Well, one important factor to consider is the type of pickup.
#431「結他上弦枕嘅重要性」“The Importance of Guitar Nuts”
No matter which guitar you own, upgrading the nut to suit your specific needs is highly recommended.
#430「分體式下弦枕優點」”Benefit of Split Saddle”
Apart from Lowden and Takamine, have you come across any other guitar brands that incorporate this particular design?
#429「保養得好好嘅2006年Suhr結他」“Well-Preserved Suhr guitar from 2006”
Born in 2006, this Suhr guitar has been exceptionally well-preserved over the years!
#424「古董Gibson結他下弦枕翻新」“Refurbishing a Vintage Gibson Guitar Saddle”
Some vintage Gibson guitars feature a specially designed adjustable saddle. The saddle can be raised or lowered, allowing for easy setup and convenient adjustment of the guitar's condition.
#423「黑色電結他墊片」“Black Shim for Electric Guitar”
Black shim.
Black and White Guitar.
Perfect Fit.
#421「透過我哋嘅特製墊片提升你嘅Taylor結他表現!」“Enhance Your Taylor’s Performance with our Custom Shims!”
Thanks to our CNC technology, we can effortlessly manufacture sets of shims that are perfectly fitted and have the correct angles. This allows us to perform precise neck resets for Taylor guitars without any difficulty!
#415「安全地移除結他上弦枕」”Safely Removing the Guitar Nut”
Removing the nut is not difficult. What is difficult is removing the nut while protecting the guitar neck from damage.
#412「打磨琴橋」“Sanding the Bridge”
Sanding the bridge to lower the action is not complicated, but it requires attention to many details in the repair.
#410「升級木結他101~上」“Acoustic Guitar Upgrade 101! 1st part”
The two upcoming posts will be sharing the apprentice's own guitar and exploring the options for upgrading/modifying the acoustic guitar.
#409「CNC加工嘅Fender上弦枕」“Fender nut manufactured by CNC”
9.5” radius bottom nut made with precision,
Paired with a jig to sand the nut height,
Make adjusting a Fender electric guitar so much easier~
#404「處理古董Martin結他下弦枕」下 “Dealing with Vintage Martin Glue-In Saddle” 2nd part
Continuing on from our last post, those familiar with Martin guitars may notice something unusual about this saddle.
#403「處理古董Martin結他下弦枕」上 “Dealing with Vintage Martin Glue-In Saddle” 1st part
Dealing with the action (height) of these saddles was more complicated than with normal saddles. Removing the saddles from the bridge posed a significant risk of damaging the guitar. Therefore, the only feasible method to lower the saddle was to sand its top.