#461「拾音器電線繞線器」“Pickup Wire Organiser”
After a few days of tinkering, we created our very own pickup wire organiser! We attached this handy device to the output jack, allowing us to neatly secure any excess wire. By doing so, we prevent it from touching the guitar's internal components, eliminating the risk of unwanted noise.
#456「用喺Pedal上嘅木腳墊」“Elevated wooden feet for pedal”
After some thought, I decided to CNC machine a piece of wood into an elevated foot for the pedal. This modification will allow me to control the volume pedal smoothly and without any hindrance.
#454「砌Pedalboard嘅樂趣」“Fun of building a pedalboard”
Recently, I built a budget small acoustic pedalboard due to personal interest.
I carefully organised all the cables and made sure everything was connected properly. The moment I plugged in the amp and heard it played successfully, I felt extremely satisfied.
#448「為一支Steinberger結他重新焊接」“Resoldering a Steinberger Guitar”
The original electronic components of the Steinberger were of lower quality: both pots had deteriorated, resulting in noise, and the 5-way switch occasionally failed to connect with the pickups.
To address these issues, we replaced all three components simultaneously and re-soldered them using shielded wires. This comprehensive solution resolved all the problems.
#441「拾音器真係壞咗?」“Is your pickup really broken?”
When a pickup is silent, the immediate response for many people is to consider replacing it with a new one.
But hold on!
In reality, the pickup itself may not be faulty.
#432「升級Kanade結他嘅電子部分」“Kanade Guitar’s Electronic Upgrade”
After we reworked the soldering using these awesome electronic parts, the pickups now sound way stronger and more powerful. And when you play it, you can really feel the energy and all the little details coming through.
#426「無可挑剔嘅焊線:Fender Custom Shop出色音質嘅秘密」“Impeccable Wiring: The Secret to Fender Custom Shop's Superior Sound”
The wiring in Fender Custom Shop guitars is meticulously clean and well-organised, featuring smooth and shiny soldering, which undoubtedly contributes to their exceptional sound quality~
#419「點樣鑽一個完美嘅Endpin Jack窿?」“How to Drill a Perfect Output Jack Hole?”
How to drill a perfect output jack hole?
#417「透過Analysis Plus QiJACK 升級您嘅樂器」“Boost Your Instrument with Analysis Plus QiJACK Upgrade”
Whether it's an electric guitar or a bass, installing the Analysis Plus QiJACK Output Jack is a powerful upgrade.
#416 「Bass電池夾、線路整理」“Bass Battery Clip and Wiring Arrangement”
The original battery clip was not compatible with this Bass, so it was forcefully opened to accommodate two batteries. As a result, the batteries got damaged and would frequently fall out.
#414「拾音器高度維修」“Pickup Height Repair”
The foam used for adjusting the pickup height has worn out due to long-term use and no longer performs its intended function. How can we solve this problem?
#411「升級你嘅木結他~下」“Acoustic Guitar Upgrade 101! 2nd part”
What else can you upgrade your acoustic guitar?
#410「升級木結他101~上」“Acoustic Guitar Upgrade 101! 1st part”
The two upcoming posts will be sharing the apprentice's own guitar and exploring the options for upgrading/modifying the acoustic guitar.
#408「Analysis Plus QiJACK優點」“Strengths of using Analysis Plus QiJACK”
What’s so special about Analysis Plus QiJACK?
#407「L.R. Baggs Anthem 系列分別」“L.R. Baggs Anthem Series Differences”
Do you familiar with the differences between the Anthem and SL?
#406「Ultra Tonic拾音器安裝工具」“A jig for installing The Ultra Tonic”
Due to the need for accurate alignment of the pickup directly below the saddle, we have created a tool based on the official instruction from James May Engineering to assist in the installation of the Ultra Tonic pickup.
#405「James May Engineering Ultra Tonic 拾音器」“James May Engineering Ultra Tonic Pickup”
To address multiple issues, James May Engineering has developed the Ultra Tonic, a passive pickup that incorporates an internal sensor to cancel feedback without excessively attenuating the midrange, thus preserving a warm and full sound.
#398「Taylor電池盒改動」“Taylor’s battery box modification”
Taylor’s battery box used to be smaller before 2018, which may not fit various brands of 9V batteries.
#397「結他導線屏蔽改裝」“Shielding modification for guitar cable”
Apart from guitar repairs, we also provide guitar cable repair and customisation.