#405「James May Engineering Ultra Tonic 拾音器」“James May Engineering Ultra Tonic Pickup”

結他維修日誌 #405 「James May Engineering Ultra Tonic 拾音器」



為咗解決呢啲問題,James May Engineering推出咗Ultra Tonic,一個被動式拾音器。拾音器內置感應器用嚟消除迴響,而唔會太過減弱中頻。呢個拾音器仲有一個電路板,上面有12個開關,用家可以喺彈奏結他嘅同時將結他連接到音響設備,調整開關嚟嘗試唔同嘅迴響消除程度。呢個靈活性可以令用家根據唔同嘅結他調節拾音器嘅音色。

下一個post會繼續介紹安裝Ultra Tonic拾音器嘅過程,唔好錯過喇~

有興趣嘅朋友請DM @yuusoundojo查詢~




Guitar Repair Diary #405 "James May Engineering Ultra Tonic Pickup”


The Soundboard Transducer (SBT) pickup is a popular choice among acoustic guitarists, due to its ability to produce a natural tone and capture percussive playing. However, SBT pickups have two main drawbacks. Firstly, they tend to emphasise the midrange and the inherent "woody" tone of the guitar, which can be advantageous for warm and full sound but may result in feedback issues on loud stages. Secondly, the characteristics of the guitar itself have a significant influence on SBT pickups, making the same pickup sound different on different guitars.

To address these issues, James May Engineering has developed the Ultra Tonic, a passive pickup that incorporates an internal sensor to cancel feedback without excessively attenuating the midrange. The pickup also features a circuit board with 12 switches, allowing users to experiment with different levels of feedback cancellation by tuning the switches while playing the guitar and connecting it to an audio device. This versatility enables users to adjust the pickup's sound to suit different guitars.

Stay tuned for the next post, which will provide details on the installation process of the Ultra Tonic pickup.

For inquiries, please DM @yuusoundojo


ø Please DM us for guitar repair inquiries ø

Humphrey Lee

Apprentice of Snowpeace Guitars


#406「Ultra Tonic拾音器安裝工具」“A jig for installing The Ultra Tonic”


#404「處理古董Martin結他下弦枕」下 “Dealing with Vintage Martin Glue-In Saddle” 2nd part