#461「拾音器電線繞線器」“Pickup Wire Organiser”
After a few days of tinkering, we created our very own pickup wire organiser! We attached this handy device to the output jack, allowing us to neatly secure any excess wire. By doing so, we prevent it from touching the guitar's internal components, eliminating the risk of unwanted noise.
#457「幫自己嘅結他進行Refret」“Refretting my own guitar”
I've been contemplating how to recommend Phosphor Bronze frets to everyone for a while.
As a result, I have decided to refret my most frequently used wooden guitar with Phosphor Bronze frets.
#456「用喺Pedal上嘅木腳墊」“Elevated wooden feet for pedal”
After some thought, I decided to CNC machine a piece of wood into an elevated foot for the pedal. This modification will allow me to control the volume pedal smoothly and without any hindrance.
#454「砌Pedalboard嘅樂趣」“Fun of building a pedalboard”
Recently, I built a budget small acoustic pedalboard due to personal interest.
I carefully organised all the cables and made sure everything was connected properly. The moment I plugged in the amp and heard it played successfully, I felt extremely satisfied.
#450「精準嘅弦扭」“Machine heads with precise machinery”
The Graph Tech RATIO machine heads are a blessing for guitarists who frequently change their tuning.
#446「將結他嘅手感提升到極致!」“Taking the guitar's playability to the next level!”
We have done the following modifications and upgrades on this guitar:
-Brand new bone nut and saddle
-Neck sanding, transforming it from a gloss finish to a satin finish, reducing the neck’s friction and enhancing the guitar’s playability
#445「造工超卓嘅Lee Guitars~」“Lee Guitars, with its exceptional craftsmanship~”
We performed a refret using Phosphor Bronze fret wire, giving this guitar a set of rounded fret ends that perfectly complement its overall aesthetic.
#441「拾音器真係壞咗?」“Is your pickup really broken?”
When a pickup is silent, the immediate response for many people is to consider replacing it with a new one.
But hold on!
In reality, the pickup itself may not be faulty.
#437「唔停嘅fret條維修」“Doing Fret Maintenance Work”
We've been on a roll lately, doing a lot of maintenance work on frets!
#436「一體式Taylor結他頸」“One Piece Taylor neck”
Taylor guitars made before 1999 used one-piece necks. The craftsmanship of their necks was superb. We've come across several Taylor guitar necks from that era, and they still maintain an impressively straight shape.
#435「拾音器點影響到下弦枕嘅大細?」“How does pickup affect the size of a saddle?”
What's the right saddle size for an acoustic guitar? Well, one important factor to consider is the type of pickup.
#431「結他上弦枕嘅重要性」“The Importance of Guitar Nuts”
No matter which guitar you own, upgrading the nut to suit your specific needs is highly recommended.
#430「分體式下弦枕優點」”Benefit of Split Saddle”
Apart from Lowden and Takamine, have you come across any other guitar brands that incorporate this particular design?
#424「古董Gibson結他下弦枕翻新」“Refurbishing a Vintage Gibson Guitar Saddle”
Some vintage Gibson guitars feature a specially designed adjustable saddle. The saddle can be raised or lowered, allowing for easy setup and convenient adjustment of the guitar's condition.
#422「分析Taylor GS Mini結他甩Bridge嘅問題」“Analysing Bridge-Lifting Problems in Taylor GS Mini Guitars”
The Taylor GS Mini often experiences bridge-lifting issues. Why does this happen?
There are two main reasons.
#421「透過我哋嘅特製墊片提升你嘅Taylor結他表現!」“Enhance Your Taylor’s Performance with our Custom Shims!”
Thanks to our CNC technology, we can effortlessly manufacture sets of shims that are perfectly fitted and have the correct angles. This allows us to perform precise neck resets for Taylor guitars without any difficulty!
#420「安全使用指板保護器」“Safety Precaution for Using Fretboard Protector”
Quick tip! When using this type of fretboard protector to do fretworks, please pay attention to this detail.
#419「點樣鑽一個完美嘅Endpin Jack窿?」“How to Drill a Perfect Output Jack Hole?”
How to drill a perfect output jack hole?