#461「拾音器電線繞線器」“Pickup Wire Organiser”

結他維修日誌 #461 「拾音器電線繞線器」



有啲拾音器品牌(例如係L.R. Baggs)會附送束線固定夾,可以將電線固定喺結他內部,減低佢震動嘅可能性。


過咗幾日,我哋就設計咗呢個拾音器繞線器!我哋將呢個繞線器固定喺Output Jack,用佢將多餘嘅電線固定好,令佢可以懸空而唔駛掂住結他內部。咁樣就唔使擔心會有多餘嘅雜音出現啦~




Guitar Repair Diary #461 "Pickup Wire Organiser“


If the internal wires of a pickup are too long and come into contact with any part inside the acoustic guitar, the vibrations of the guitar strings can cause the wires to resonate. This can result in unwanted noise, especially with sensitive pickups like piezo or internal microphones.

To address this issue, certain pickup brands, such as L.R. Baggs, provide wire harness clips to secure the wires inside the guitar. This helps minimise wire movement and vibration.

One day, while wandering through a stationery store we stumbled upon a wire organiser designed for telephone cords. A lightbulb went off in our heads, and we came up with a fresh solution...

After a few days of tinkering, we created our very own pickup wire organiser! We attached this handy device to the output jack, allowing us to neatly secure any excess wire. By doing so, we prevent it from touching the guitar's internal components, eliminating the risk of unwanted noise.

Now, we can play our guitars with confidence, knowing that we've found a clever way to minimise wire vibrations and keep those pesky noises at bay.


ø Please DM us for guitar repair inquiries ø

Humphrey Lee

Apprentice of Snowpeace Guitars


#462「又要Refret喇~ 」“Refret Again~”


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