#453「天然舊化嘅 1963 Fender Strat」“Naturally Relic 1963 Fender Strat”
The refretting guitar neck featured in the previous two posts is the neck of a 1963 Fender Stratocaster.
#451「呢條頸屬於邊一支結他?」 “What neck is this?”
By looking at this stamped date, do you have any idea which guitar's neck it corresponds to?
#440「防止楓木指板Binding變黑」 “Preventing Darkening of Maple Fingerboard Binding”
Maintaining a clean and bright maple-binding fingerboard is no easy task after cleaning. Unless you opt not to play the guitar, hand sweat and stains will inevitably start accumulating again, causing the fingerboard binding to become soiled again.
#434「度身訂造古典結他Armrest」“Custom-made Classical Guitar Armrest”
Continuing from the previous post, in addition to crafting a round soundport, we also custom-made a perfectly fitting armrest.