#463「決定Fret嘅長度」“Determining the length of frets”
Making frets with a rounded hemispherical ball end like this presents a challenge in handling the length of each fret.
#455「為呢支Danelectro結他重新造一個牛骨上弦枕」“Making a new cow bone nut for this Danelectro”
The original aluminum nut on this Danelectro guitar has encountered issues and is no longer functional.
We have replaced it with a brand-new nut made of cow bone, allowing it to continue its musical journey once again.
#450「精準嘅弦扭」“Machine heads with precise machinery”
The Graph Tech RATIO machine heads are a blessing for guitarists who frequently change their tuning.
#449「唔駛再用Double Ball End結他線喇~」“No Need to Use Double Ball End Guitar String anymore~”
We have installed a string adapter for this Steinberger guitar to address this challenge. This adapter can now be used with standard guitar strings without any problem.
#448「為一支Steinberger結他重新焊接」“Resoldering a Steinberger Guitar”
The original electronic components of the Steinberger were of lower quality: both pots had deteriorated, resulting in noise, and the 5-way switch occasionally failed to connect with the pickups.
To address these issues, we replaced all three components simultaneously and re-soldered them using shielded wires. This comprehensive solution resolved all the problems.
#447「Tremol-No改裝」“Tremol-No Modification”
For guitar players who use Floyd Rose tremolo systems, the Tremol-No is a highly useful modification.
#444「Setup一支無頭Steinberger~」“Setting Up this Steinberger Guitar”
By removing the headless components, the fretwork became much easier to work on
#438「呢支結他好玩喎!」“What a fun guitar to play with!”
The most special thing about this small and delicate electric guitar is that it has a built-in speaker.
#432「升級Kanade結他嘅電子部分」“Kanade Guitar’s Electronic Upgrade”
After we reworked the soldering using these awesome electronic parts, the pickups now sound way stronger and more powerful. And when you play it, you can really feel the energy and all the little details coming through.
#429「保養得好好嘅2006年Suhr結他」“Well-Preserved Suhr guitar from 2006”
Born in 2006, this Suhr guitar has been exceptionally well-preserved over the years!
#428「Pickguard度身訂造服務」“Custom Pickguard Making Service”
Guess what? Last month, we had not one, but two customers interested in getting a custom pickguard for their Stratocaster.
#427「靚靚Fret條~」“Shiny Frets make us happy”
Behold the polished and shining frets, a sight that brings pure delight to the soul!
#426「無可挑剔嘅焊線:Fender Custom Shop出色音質嘅秘密」“Impeccable Wiring: The Secret to Fender Custom Shop's Superior Sound”
The wiring in Fender Custom Shop guitars is meticulously clean and well-organised, featuring smooth and shiny soldering, which undoubtedly contributes to their exceptional sound quality~
#425「你會唔會主動刮花你支結他?」“Would you scratch your guitar intentionally?”
Relicing is so much fun when it comes to guitar maintenance!
#423「黑色電結他墊片」“Black Shim for Electric Guitar”
Black shim.
Black and White Guitar.
Perfect Fit.
#420「安全使用指板保護器」“Safety Precaution for Using Fretboard Protector”
Quick tip! When using this type of fretboard protector to do fretworks, please pay attention to this detail.
#418「如何處理鬆動fret條」“How to Deal with Loose Frets”
Loose frets are a common repair issue that we frequently encounter.
#417「透過Analysis Plus QiJACK 升級您嘅樂器」“Boost Your Instrument with Analysis Plus QiJACK Upgrade”
Whether it's an electric guitar or a bass, installing the Analysis Plus QiJACK Output Jack is a powerful upgrade.
#415「安全地移除結他上弦枕」”Safely Removing the Guitar Nut”
Removing the nut is not difficult. What is difficult is removing the nut while protecting the guitar neck from damage.