#441「拾音器真係壞咗?」“Is your pickup really broken?”
When a pickup is silent, the immediate response for many people is to consider replacing it with a new one.
But hold on!
In reality, the pickup itself may not be faulty.
#440「防止楓木指板Binding變黑」 “Preventing Darkening of Maple Fingerboard Binding”
Maintaining a clean and bright maple-binding fingerboard is no easy task after cleaning. Unless you opt not to play the guitar, hand sweat and stains will inevitably start accumulating again, causing the fingerboard binding to become soiled again.
#439「變黑嘅楓木指板Binding」“Darkened Maple Fingerboard Binding”
Because of the characteristics of the wood, maple fingerboard bindings tend to accumulate dust and stains, eventually turning dark.
#438「呢支結他好玩喎!」“What a fun guitar to play with!”
The most special thing about this small and delicate electric guitar is that it has a built-in speaker.
#437「唔停嘅fret條維修」“Doing Fret Maintenance Work”
We've been on a roll lately, doing a lot of maintenance work on frets!
#436「一體式Taylor結他頸」“One Piece Taylor neck”
Taylor guitars made before 1999 used one-piece necks. The craftsmanship of their necks was superb. We've come across several Taylor guitar necks from that era, and they still maintain an impressively straight shape.
#435「拾音器點影響到下弦枕嘅大細?」“How does pickup affect the size of a saddle?”
What's the right saddle size for an acoustic guitar? Well, one important factor to consider is the type of pickup.
#434「度身訂造古典結他Armrest」“Custom-made Classical Guitar Armrest”
Continuing from the previous post, in addition to crafting a round soundport, we also custom-made a perfectly fitting armrest.
#433「製作一個完美嘅圓形Soundport」“Making a Perfect Circle Soundport”
We're making a Soundport for this classical guitar, and it involves using various tools to enlarge a circular hole.
#432「升級Kanade結他嘅電子部分」“Kanade Guitar’s Electronic Upgrade”
After we reworked the soldering using these awesome electronic parts, the pickups now sound way stronger and more powerful. And when you play it, you can really feel the energy and all the little details coming through.
#431「結他上弦枕嘅重要性」“The Importance of Guitar Nuts”
No matter which guitar you own, upgrading the nut to suit your specific needs is highly recommended.
#430「分體式下弦枕優點」”Benefit of Split Saddle”
Apart from Lowden and Takamine, have you come across any other guitar brands that incorporate this particular design?
#429「保養得好好嘅2006年Suhr結他」“Well-Preserved Suhr guitar from 2006”
Born in 2006, this Suhr guitar has been exceptionally well-preserved over the years!
#428「Pickguard度身訂造服務」“Custom Pickguard Making Service”
Guess what? Last month, we had not one, but two customers interested in getting a custom pickguard for their Stratocaster.
#427「靚靚Fret條~」“Shiny Frets make us happy”
Behold the polished and shining frets, a sight that brings pure delight to the soul!
#426「無可挑剔嘅焊線:Fender Custom Shop出色音質嘅秘密」“Impeccable Wiring: The Secret to Fender Custom Shop's Superior Sound”
The wiring in Fender Custom Shop guitars is meticulously clean and well-organised, featuring smooth and shiny soldering, which undoubtedly contributes to their exceptional sound quality~
#425「你會唔會主動刮花你支結他?」“Would you scratch your guitar intentionally?”
Relicing is so much fun when it comes to guitar maintenance!
#424「古董Gibson結他下弦枕翻新」“Refurbishing a Vintage Gibson Guitar Saddle”
Some vintage Gibson guitars feature a specially designed adjustable saddle. The saddle can be raised or lowered, allowing for easy setup and convenient adjustment of the guitar's condition.